AAoA Calculator
This is the Average Age of Accounts calculator you've been looking for!
Saved in your browser
Imported Profiles
Not saved in browser
Rename to move into local storage
Aging Metrics
TOTAL | EQ | TU | EX |
Tap/Click initialisms (AAoA, etc.) for the full definition
Green values are confirmed or possible thresholds.
Tap/Click them for an explanation.
EQ | TU | EX |
EQ | TU | EX |
EQ | TU | EX |
EQ | TU | EX |
EQ | TU | EX |
EQ | TU | EX |
Aging Metrics
No accounts for analysis.
Import an exported backup file.
This profile's account data can be exported to a CSV file for general use in a spreadsheet application, such as the free LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel.
This file cannot be imported later. You can use one of the backup options below for that.
Save a specially encoded file for later IMPORT.
ALL: Save all profiles together. (In Progress)
CURRENT: Save only the currently loaded profile.
TRANSFER: Save current profile to our server, for use in our credit predictor app (CRADIS). (Registered Users Only - In Progress)
Profiles / Accounts
A Profile holds a set of Accounts.
Your default personal profile (My Profile) is marked with an asterisk(*), and you can rename it. This is the Primary Profile.
Additional Profiles can be created for friends and family members.
Select a Profile by clicking/tapping on the bar where the profile name is displayed. Only one Profile may be selected for analysis at any time. This Profile will be highlighted in green.
Click/Tap the ADD button to add an account to the currently selected profile.
The Account Entry form was designed for quick entry of the most common credit account: a regular bank-issued card (FICO calls these 'Bankcards') that has an opening date and is still open.
Enter a name and opening date, then press Enter in the opening date box to automatically add a Bankcard account type to the currently selected Profile. The entry form will stay open and you can continue entering names and opening dates for all your bankcard accounts.
Change the Type of account and continue entering additional accounts you may have, such as Student Loan, Mortgage, Auto Loan, etc.
Import / Export
A Profile's set of accounts can be exported to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file for general use (not for import/backup) in Excel or other spreadsheet programs such as the free LibreOffice Calc.
Profiles can be backed up to a specially encoded text file that can be imported, for cases where the local browser storage has been cleared. All the accounts in a profile will be stored in this file so that you don't have to re-enter them.
Profiles from a backup file will automatically go into the main profile list if that list doesn't have a profile with the same name.
Profiles from a backup file that match an already existing profile name will go into a temporary Imported Profiles list. Change the name of this imported profile with the edit button located to the right of the name. The imported profile will then be moved into the main list, where you can make edits to the accounts it contains.
The currently selected profile can be shared as simple text. It will be copied to the local clipboard so that you can use a paste command to send it to someone.
The receiver of the profile text should click the Import button to show the Import dialog, then paste that text into the text box target area. A simple CTRL-V paste anywhere on the calculator page will also work on desktop.