I came across someone claiming that the addition of an AU account to their file raised their Fico 8 scores ~35 points, but lowered their 2/4/5 mortgage scores ~20 points. I've never heard of such a thing, so was wondering if anyone else has. My guess (and what I told them) was that another profile change must have taken place that is going unnoticed. Thoughts?

Possible for an AU account to raise F8 scores, but lower 2/4/5?

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2 months ago
Fri May 31, 2024 11:45 am
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I came across someone claiming that the addition of an AU account to their file raised their Fico 8 scores ~35 points, but lowered their 2/4/5 mortgage scores ~20 points. I've never heard of such a thing, so was wondering if anyone else has. My guess (and what I told them) was that another profile change must have taken place that is going unnoticed. Thoughts?
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Re: Possible for an AU account to raise F8 scores, but lower 2/4/5?

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2 months ago
Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:59 pm
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BrutalBodyShots wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 11:45 am I came across someone claiming that the addition of an AU account to their file raised their Fico 8 scores ~35 points, but lowered their 2/4/5 mortgage scores ~20 points.
@Rowdy_Dodger , did you see anything like this while collecting data points on AU accounts?
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Re: Possible for an AU account to raise F8 scores, but lower 2/4/5?

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2 months ago
Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:18 am
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Since F8 and the so-called mortgage scores score AU accounts differently, in principal this should be possible. One way you might see an opposite affect that I can think of is on a thin profile: if the AU card has a balance, then you get a AWB penalty on the mortgage scores, if it doesn't, then you get an AU AZ penalty on F8.
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Re: Possible for an AU account to raise F8 scores, but lower 2/4/5?

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2 months ago
Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:02 pm
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Could a potentially very thin young profile with a not very old AU card cause this? The new account penalty on fico mortgage is 18 months right? Say a 13-17 month old AU account

Fico mortgage gains nothing but some negative reason codes but F8 manages to score a few positive points?
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